Senin, 22 September 2008

About Dmen...


I'm david grade 6...... I have one sis called sarah and a mother and father ya ialah!!!1 I like to play stuff like skate, soccer, hang out, and basketball........................
My favorite music is Simple Plan, Daft Punk, plain y t's umm chris brown and morela..... U know......... My school is at Pskd Mandiri but if im in junior high i will move to Gis or phor kanisius.......... ummmm apa lagi ya....... My favorite food is umm let see pizza, beef teriyaki, sirloin and other accept yucky stuff.....
my favorite book is psm ummmmm magazine lahhh.......... Friends ada daffa kenneth sammy drian harvi dan beckham hahahahahaha My hobby sangat buanyak ada internet, sms, prank people, sleep, sports and hangout with friends in starbucks, Dufan dan lain lain....... If u wanna know more, ke friendster and cari gw, ato facebook ato myspace.. hahha
Thats All.......
Thanks Alot.........

Peace Out

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